Class ScopedAffiliationPrincipal

  extended by no.feide.mellon.jaas.principals.MoriaPrincipal
      extended by no.feide.mellon.jaas.principals.ScopedAffiliationPrincipal
All Implemented Interfaces:,

public class ScopedAffiliationPrincipal
extends MoriaPrincipal

A special principal for the eduPersonScopedAffiliation attribute in FEIDE

Note that no subject will have any ScopedAffiliationPrincipals, only MoriaPrincipals. An ScopedAffiliationPrincipal implies a MoriaPrincipal with attributeName "eduPersonScopedAffiliation" and the sufficient attribute value. See the implies method. ScopedAffiliationPrincipals are only used in the policy file. In the policy file it cannot be replaced by the corresponding MoriaPrincipal if you want to make use of wildcards.

Rikke Amilde Løvlid

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class no.feide.mellon.jaas.principals.MoriaPrincipal
attributeName, attributeValue
Constructor Summary
ScopedAffiliationPrincipal(java.lang.String name)
Method Summary
 boolean implies(java.lang.String string1, java.lang.String string2)
 boolean implies( subject)
          ScopedAffiliationPrincipal implies the Subject subject if the subject has a MoriaPrincipal with attributeName "eduPersonScopedAffiliation" (this.attributeName is "eduPersonScopedAffiliation") and an attributeValue which is implied by the attributeValue belonging to this ScopedAffiliationPrincipal.
Methods inherited from class no.feide.mellon.jaas.principals.MoriaPrincipal
equals, getAttributeName, getAttributeValue, getName, hashCode, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ScopedAffiliationPrincipal(java.lang.String name)
name - the attribute value of the eduPersonScopedAffiliation attribute in FEIDE. It is on the form x@y where x may be replaced by a wildcard.
Method Detail


public boolean implies( subject)
ScopedAffiliationPrincipal implies the Subject subject if the subject has a MoriaPrincipal with attributeName "eduPersonScopedAffiliation" (this.attributeName is "eduPersonScopedAffiliation") and an attributeValue which is implied by the attributeValue belonging to this ScopedAffiliationPrincipal.

Specified by:
implies in interface


public boolean implies(java.lang.String string1,
                       java.lang.String string2)
string1 - this objects attribute value. It is on the form a@b
string2 - the attribute value we vant to know wether is implied by string1 or not. It is on the form c@d The "a" in string1 may be a wildcard, "*". string1 implies string2 if they are equal or "a" is a wildcard and b and d are equal.
whether string1 implies string2

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