activated - Variable in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
True if the authorization manager is ready to be used.
affiliation - Variable in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
The organizations that the service belongs to.
allowAccessTo(String[]) - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Checks if all the requested attributes are legal for this web service.
allowAccessTo(String, String[]) - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
Validates a request for access to attributes for a given client/service.
allowOperations(String[]) - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Returns true if all elements in the requestedOperations array are represented in the objects operations set.
allowOperations(String, String[]) - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
Validates a request for access to operations for a given client/service.
allowSSO - Variable in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationAttribute
Is this attribute allowed in use with SSO?
allowSSOForAttributes(String[]) - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Checks attributes for use with single sign-on (SSO).
allowSSOForAttributes(String, String[]) - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
Validates a request for access to SSO for a given client/service.
allowSubsystems(String[]) - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Used to decide whether subsystems are allowed for this particular client, based on its configuration.
allowUserorg(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Returns true for the organizations that are allowed to use this service.
allowUserorg(String, String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
Checks if the organization is allowed to use the service.
attributes - Variable in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Attributes the client can query.
AuthorizationAttribute - Class in no.feide.moria.authorization
This class represents an LDAP attribute and is used for authorization of a web service.
AuthorizationAttribute(String, boolean, int) - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationAttribute
AuthorizationClient - Class in no.feide.moria.authorization
Represents a web service.
AuthorizationClient(String, String, String, String, String, HashSet, HashSet, HashSet, HashSet, HashMap) - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
AuthorizationManager - Class in no.feide.moria.authorization
The AuthorizationManager class is used to parse and store authorization data.
AuthorizationManager() - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
authzClients - Variable in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
List of client authorization objects.


cachableAttributes - Variable in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
List of attributes that is allowed to be cached.


displayName - Variable in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Common name of the service.


equals(Object) - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationAttribute
Returns true if the supplied object is identical to this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Compares object with another, returnes true if all fields are equal.


getAffiliation() - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Returns the affiliation for this client.
getAllowSSO() - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationAttribute
Returns true if the attribute is allowed in use with SSO.
getAttributes() - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Returns the attributes for this client.
getAttributes(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
Returns the configured attributes for a given service.
getAuthzClient(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
Returns a client object for a given identifier.
getCachableAttributes() - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
Returns the set of SSO attributes names (the attributes that can be cached).
getChildContent(Element, String) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
Retrieves the content of an XML element.
getDisplayName() - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Returns the display name for this client.
getHome() - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Returns the home organization for this client.
getLanguage() - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Returns the language for this client.
getName() - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationAttribute
Gets the name of attribute.
getName() - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Returns the principal of this client.
getNonSSOAttributeNames() - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Get the attributes not allowed for use in an SSO context for this client.
getNonSSOAttributeNames(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
Get the list of attribute names not allowed for use in an SSO context for a given service.
getOperations() - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Returns the operations for this client.
getOperations(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
Returns the configured operations for a given service.
getOrgsAllowed() - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Returns the organizations that are allowed to use the client.
getOrgsAllowed(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
Returns the organizations that can use this service.
getProperties() - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Gets the properties for this client.
getSecLevel() - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationAttribute
Gets the security level of this attribute.
getSecLevel(String[]) - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Returns the highest secLevel of the requested attributes.
getSecLevel(String, String[]) - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
Returns the security level for a set of attributes for a given service.
getServiceProperties(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
Returns the service properties for a given service.
getSubsystems() - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Returns the subsystems for this client, if any are defined.
getSubsystems(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
Returns the configured subsystems for a given service.
getURL() - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Returns the URL for this client.


hasAffiliation(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Returns true if the supplied organization name is affiliated with the client.
hashCode - Variable in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationAttribute
Cached hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationAttribute
Generates a hashCode from the object's attributes.
hashCode - Variable in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Cached hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Generate a hash code for the object.
home - Variable in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
The organization the webservice sets as default.


IllegalConfigException - Exception in no.feide.moria.authorization
Exception to signal that the configuration is invalid.
IllegalConfigException(String) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.authorization.IllegalConfigException
Basic constructor.


language - Variable in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Language preferred by the web service.
log - Variable in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Used for logging.


messageLogger - Variable in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
For logging of error messages that cannot be sent to the calling layer.


name - Variable in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationAttribute
Name of attribute.
name - Variable in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Unique identifier (principal) for the client.
no.feide.moria.authorization - package no.feide.moria.authorization
The authorization package for Moria.
NoConfigException - Exception in no.feide.moria.authorization
RuntimeException to signal that the configuration is missing.
NoConfigException() - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.authorization.NoConfigException
Basic constructor.


operations - Variable in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
The operations the client can perform.
orgsAllowed - Variable in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
The organizations that can use the service.


parseAttributeElem(Element) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
Parses an XML element and creates an AuthorizationAttribute object in return.
parseAttributesElem(Element) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
Parses the content of an Attributes element.
parseChildElem(Element) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
Parses 'operation' and 'organization' elements and returns the name attribute.
parseClientElem(Element) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
Creates an AuthorizationClient object based on the supplied XML element.
parseListElem(Element) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
Parses the content of an Attributes element.
parseRootElem(Element) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
Parses a configuration root element with client elements.
properties - Variable in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
The properties of this object.


secLevel - Variable in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationAttribute
Security level.
setAuthzClients(HashMap) - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
Swaps the old client database with the supplied HashMap.
setConfig(Properties) - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationManager
Sets the configuration data for this manager.
subsystems - Variable in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
The subsystems the client can use proxy authentication for.


toString() - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationAttribute
Returns a string representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Returns a string representation of this object.


UnknownAttributeException - Exception in no.feide.moria.authorization
Exception to signal that the attribute is invalid.
UnknownAttributeException(String) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.authorization.UnknownAttributeException
Basic constructor.
UnknownServicePrincipalException - Exception in no.feide.moria.authorization
Exception to signal that the service principal is invalid.
UnknownServicePrincipalException(String) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.authorization.UnknownServicePrincipalException
Basic constructor.
url - Variable in class no.feide.moria.authorization.AuthorizationClient
Home page URL for web service.


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