accessLogger - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Used for access logging.
addFileChangeListener(String, String, int) - Method in class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager
Monitor a file.
amReady - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Flag set to true if the authorization manager is ready.
attemptLogin(String, String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Performs interactive login attempt using tickets and credentials.
attemptSingleSignOn(String, String) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Attempts single sign on (non-interactive) with an SSO ticket together with the login ticket.
authenticate(String, Credentials, String[]) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Convenience method to assure certain pre-authentication checks.
AuthenticationException - Exception in no.feide.moria.controller
Used to signal that the user has supplied wrong username/password.
AuthenticationException() - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.controller.AuthenticationException
Basic constructor.
authorizationCheck(String, String[], String) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Performs an authorization validation of a service request; can the service perform the requested operation?
AuthorizationException - Exception in no.feide.moria.controller
Used to signal that the client is not authorized to perform a specific action.
AuthorizationException(String) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.controller.AuthorizationException
Basic constructor.
authzManager - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
The single instance of the authorization manager.


BaseConfigException - Exception in no.feide.moria.configuration
Exception for signaling that the base config is not valid.
BaseConfigException(String) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.configuration.BaseConfigException
Basic constructor.


CAUGHT_DENIED_USERORG - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Log message for AuthorizationException.
CAUGHT_INVALID_TICKET - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Standard log message for InvalidTicketException.
CAUGHT_NONEXISTENT_TICKET - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Standard log message for NonExistentTicketException.
CAUGHT_STORE - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Standard log message for InvalidTicketException.
configManager - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
The single instance of the configuration manager.
ConfigurationManager - Class in no.feide.moria.configuration
The configuration manager's task is to load and monitor the configuration files for changes.
ConfigurationManager() - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager
ConfigurationManager.FileListenerTask - Class in no.feide.moria.configuration
This class is used to monitor the configuration files.
ConfigurationManager.FileListenerTask(String, String) - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager.FileListenerTask
ConfigurationManagerException - Exception in no.feide.moria.configuration
The ConfigurationManagerException is thrown if something goes wrong with the ConfigurationManager.
ConfigurationManagerException(String) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManagerException
ConfigurationManagerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManagerException


destroy() - Method in class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager
DIRECT_AUTH_OPER - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Operation type for local authentication.
directNonInteractiveAuthentication(String[], String, String, String) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Performs a direct authentication without the use of tickets.
directoryManager - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
The single instance of the directory manager.
DirectoryUnavailableException - Exception in no.feide.moria.controller
Used to signal that the directory used for authentication is down.
DirectoryUnavailableException() - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.controller.DirectoryUnavailableException
Basic constructor.
dmReady - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Flag set to true if the directory manager is ready.


fileChangeEvent(String, File) - Method in class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager
Send changed configuration to MoriaController.
fileForURI(String) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager
Resolves a fileURI to a File object.


getProxyTicket(String, String, String) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Generates a proxy ticket based on a TGT.
getRedirectURL(String) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Creates a redirect URL for redirecting user back to web service.
getRequestedAttributes(String, String) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Gets the name of the attributes a service requests, based on the loginTicket.
getSecLevel(String) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Gets the security level of an authentication attempt.
getServiceProperties(String) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Returns the service configuration for the service that created the authentication attempt.
getStatus() - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Gets the total status of the controller.
getUserAttributes(String, String) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Retrieves user attributes from an authentication attempt.
getUserOrg(String) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Resolves a user's home organization through the Directory Manager.


IllegalInputException - Exception in no.feide.moria.controller
Used to signal that the controller has received illegal input.
IllegalInputException(String) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.controller.IllegalInputException
Basic constructor.
init() - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Initiates the controller.
initController(ServletContext) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Starts the controller.
initiateAuthentication(String[], String, String, boolean, String) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Initiates authentication through Moria.
InoperableStateException - Exception in no.feide.moria.controller
Used to signal that the controller is out of order.
InoperableStateException(String) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.controller.InoperableStateException
Basic constructor.
INTERACTIVE_AUTH_OPER - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Operation type for interactive authentication.
invalidateSSOTicket(String) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Invalidates an SSO ticket.
isInitialized - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Flag set to true if the controller has been initialized.
isLegalURL(String) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Validates a URL.
isOrganizationAllowedForService(String, String) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Check whether a given service may allow users from a given organization.


lastModified - Variable in class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager.FileListenerTask
Last modification of the watched file.


messageLogger - Variable in class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager
For logging events that do not throw exceptions to the layer above.
messageLogger - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Used for message/error logging.
module - Variable in class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager.FileListenerTask
The module that the configuration file belongs to.
MODULE_AM - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager
Name of the Authorization module, used in configuration properties.
MODULE_CM - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager
Name of the Configuration module, used in configuration properties.
MODULE_DM - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager
Name of the Directory module, used in configuration properties.
MODULE_SM - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager
Name of the Store module, used in configuration properties.
MODULE_WEB - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager
Name of the Web module, used in configuration properties.
monitoredFile - Variable in class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager.FileListenerTask
The file object representation of the file that is beeing watched.
MoriaController - Class in no.feide.moria.controller
Intermediator for the sub modules of Moria.
MoriaController() - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Private constructor.
MoriaControllerException - Exception in no.feide.moria.controller
Superclass for the controller exceptions.
MoriaControllerException(String) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaControllerException
Basic constructor.


NEEDS_LISTENER - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager
List of the modules that have configuration to watch.
no.feide.moria.configuration - package no.feide.moria.configuration
The configuration package for Moria.
no.feide.moria.controller - package no.feide.moria.controller
The controller package for Moria.
NONEXISTENT_TICKET - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Standard exception message for indication that ticket does not exist.
NOT_READY - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Standard exception message for indication that the controller is not ready.
numFileListeners() - Method in class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager
Number of active file listeners.


organizationCheck(String, String) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Checks whether the user's organization is allowed to use the service in question.


PROPS_PREFIX - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager
Attribute name prefix for file name properties.
PROXY_AUTH_OPER - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Operation type for interactive authentication.
proxyAuthentication(String[], String, String) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Performs a ticket based proxy authentication.


readProperties(String) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager
Read properties from file.
ready - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Flag set to true if the controller and all modules are ready.
removeFileChangeListener(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager
Stop monitoring file.
run() - Method in class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager.FileListenerTask
Called by the timer.


SERVICE_TICKET - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Ticket type constant, indicating a login ticket, for use when returning a HashMap with multiple tickets.
servletContext - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
The servlet context for the servlets using the controller.
setConfig(String, Properties) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Sets config for a module.
smReady - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Flag set to true if the store manager is ready.
SSO_TICKET - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Ticket type constant, indicating an SSO ticket, for use when returning a HashMap of two tickets.
stop() - Method in class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager
Remove all file listeners.
stop() - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Shuts down the controller.
stopController() - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Stops the controller.
store - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
The single instance of the data store.
STORE_DOWN - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Standard exception message for indication that the store is unavailable.


TGT_IDENTIFIER - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Identifier for the TGT used in attribute requests.
timer - Variable in class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager
Timer for the configuration files.
TIMER_DELAY - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager
Attribute name for timer delay.
timerEntries - Variable in class no.feide.moria.configuration.ConfigurationManager
Storage for all timers.


UnknownTicketException - Exception in no.feide.moria.controller
Used to signal that a ticket does not exist in the store.
UnknownTicketException(String) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.controller.UnknownTicketException
Basic constructor.


VERIFY_USER_EXISTENCE_OPER - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Operation type for verify user existence.
verifyUserExistence(String, String) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.controller.MoriaController
Verifies the existence of a user.


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