addAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.CachedUserData
Adds an attribute.
ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
Constant representing the attribute name key.
attributes - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.CachedUserData
The internal hashmap used to store the attributes.


cache - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
The cache the evictions are done on.
CACHE_CONFIG_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
The name of the configuration file property.
CachedUserData - Class in no.feide.moria.store
This class is a container for userdata that persists across logins (for SSO Light and Proxy authentication).
CachedUserData(HashMap) - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.store.CachedUserData
Constructs a new instance encapsulating the userdata given as argument.
cacheStarted(TreeCache) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
cacheStopped(TreeCache) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
cacheUserData(HashMap, String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
Creates a new CachedUserData object in the store and associates it with an SSO ticket which is returned.
cacheUserData(HashMap, String) - Method in interface no.feide.moria.store.MoriaStore
Creates a new CachedUserData object in the underlying store and associates it with an SSO ticket which is returned.
CHAR_64 - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.RandomId
The characters used in our version of base64.
configure(TreeCache) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
createAuthnAttempt(String[], String, String, boolean, String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
Creates an authentication attempt based on a service request.
createAuthnAttempt(String[], String, String, boolean, String) - Method in interface no.feide.moria.store.MoriaStore
Creates an authentication attempt based on a service request.
createMoriaStore() - Static method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaStoreFactory
Static factory method creates an instance of MoriaStore.
createProxyTicket(String, String, String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
Creates a new proxy ticket from a TGT and associates the new ticket with the same user data as the TGT.
createProxyTicket(String, String, String) - Method in interface no.feide.moria.store.MoriaStore
Creates a new proxy ticket from a TGT and associates the new ticket with the same user data as the TGT.
createServiceTicket(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
Creates a service ticket that the service will use when requesting user attributes after a successful authentication.
createServiceTicket(String) - Method in interface no.feide.moria.store.MoriaStore
Creates a service ticket that the service will use when requesting user attributes after a successful authentication.
createTicketGrantingTicket(String, String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
Creates a new ticket granting ticket, using an sso ticket.
createTicketGrantingTicket(String, String) - Method in interface no.feide.moria.store.MoriaStore
Creates a new ticket granting ticket, using an sso ticket.


data - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicket
The data associated with this ticket.
DATA_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
The common hashmap key for the data attributes (MoriaAuthnAttempt & CachedUserData).


equals(Object) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicket
Tests if ticket is equal to another ticket.
evict(Fqn) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
EvictionConfigurationException - Exception in no.feide.moria.store
Used to signal an exception regarding eviction policy configuration.
EvictionConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.store.EvictionConfigurationException
EvictionConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.store.EvictionConfigurationException
EvictionConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.store.EvictionConfigurationException
evictionTime - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionAlgorithm.NodeEntry
Eviction time.
evictionTimer - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
The timer responsible for scheduling the eviction threads.
expiryTime - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicket
The time when this ticket expires, stored as milliseconds since epoch.


forceInterativeAuthentication - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaAuthnAttempt
Whether or not single sign-on (SSO) is to be used when user arrives at login servlet.
fqn - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionAlgorithm.NodeEntry
Fully qualified name.


getAttribute(Element, String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
Retrieves the value of the first occurance of the given attribute in the given element.
getAttributes() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.CachedUserData
Gets a map containing the attributes.
getAuthnAttempt(String, boolean, String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
Gets the authentication attempt associated with the ticket given as argument.
getAuthnAttempt(String, boolean, String) - Method in interface no.feide.moria.store.MoriaStore
Gets the authentication attempt associated with the ticket given as argument.
getCacheData(Fqn, Object) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
getChildrenNames(Fqn) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
getData() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicket
Gets the data object of this ticket.
getElementContent(Element, boolean) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
Retrieves the textual content of an xml element.
getExpiryTime() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicket
Gets the the expiry time for this ticket.
getFromStore(MoriaTicketType[], String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
Retrieves a ticket instance which may be one of a number of types.
getFromStore(MoriaTicketType, String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
Retrieves a ticket instance from the store.
getRegionName() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy.RegionValue
Gets region name.
getRegions() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
getRegionValue(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
Gets a region value.
getRegionValues() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
Gets the region values.
getRequestedAttributes() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaAuthnAttempt
Gets the string array containing the requested attributes.
getReturnURLPostfix() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaAuthnAttempt
Gets the end part of the return url.
getReturnURLPrefix() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaAuthnAttempt
Gets the initial part of the return url.
getServicePrincipal() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaAuthnAttempt
Gets the servicePrincipal.
getServicePrincipal() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicket
Gets the value of the service principal associated with this ticket.
getTicketId() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicket
Gets the ticket identifier of this ticket.
getTicketServicePrincipal(String, MoriaTicketType) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
Returns the service principal for the ticket.
getTicketServicePrincipal(String, MoriaTicketType) - Method in interface no.feide.moria.store.MoriaStore
Returns the service principal for the ticket.
getTicketType() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicket
Gets the the ticket type of this ticket.
getTicketUserorg(String, MoriaTicketType) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
Gets the userorg of a ticket.
getTicketUserorg(String, MoriaTicketType) - Method in interface no.feide.moria.store.MoriaStore
Gets the userorg of a ticket.
getTimeToLive() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy.RegionValue
Gets time to live.
getTransientAttributes() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaAuthnAttempt
Gets the transient attributes.
getUserData(String, String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
Returns the userdata associated with the incoming ticket, which must be either a proxy ticket, an SSO ticket or ticket granting ticket.
getUserData(String, String) - Method in interface no.feide.moria.store.MoriaStore
Returns the userdata associated with the incoming ticket, which must be either a proxy ticket, an SSO ticket or ticket granting ticket.
getUserorg() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicket
Returns the userorg associated with this ticket, or null if none.
getWakeupIntervalSeconds() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy


hasChild(Fqn) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
hasExpired() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicket
Checks the ticket's expiry time versus the current time.
hashCode() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicket
Gets the hash code of the ticket.


insertIntoStore(MoriaTicket) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
Inserts an authentication attempt or cached user data into the cache.
InvalidTicketException - Exception in no.feide.moria.store
This exception should be thrown whenever a ticket is considered erroneous.
InvalidTicketException(String) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.store.InvalidTicketException
InvalidTicketException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.store.InvalidTicketException
InvalidTicketException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.store.InvalidTicketException
isConfigured - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
The configured state of the store.
isForceInterativeAuthentication() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaAuthnAttempt
Checks whether or not single sign-on (SSO) should be refused even if possible.


LOGIN_TICKET - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicketType
Initially issued to the requesting service for use by the client.
longToByteArray(long) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.store.RandomId
Takes a long value (64 bit) and returns it as an eight element byte array.


MAX_NODES_DEFAULT - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
Default value for max nodes in each region.
MAX_NODES_NAME - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
Constant representing the max nodes key.
maxNodes - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
Maximal number of nodes in a region.
messageLogger - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
The logger used by this class.
messageLogger - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionAlgorithm
The logger used by this class.
messageLogger - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
The logger used by this class.
MoriaAuthnAttempt - Class in no.feide.moria.store
This class is used for holding state through an authentication.
MoriaAuthnAttempt(String[], String, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaAuthnAttempt
Constructs an instance.
MoriaCacheStore - Class in no.feide.moria.store
Distributed store implementation using JBoss Cache.
MoriaCacheStore() - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
Constructs a new instance.
MoriaStore - Interface in no.feide.moria.store
The store manager's main functionality is to handle tickets.
MoriaStoreConfigurationException - Exception in no.feide.moria.store
Signals that something failed when trying to configure the store.
MoriaStoreConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.store.MoriaStoreConfigurationException
MoriaStoreConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.store.MoriaStoreConfigurationException
MoriaStoreConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.store.MoriaStoreConfigurationException
MoriaStoreData - Interface in no.feide.moria.store
Base class for all data which can be stored in the Moria store.
MoriaStoreException - Exception in no.feide.moria.store
Used to signal errors from the store.
MoriaStoreException(String) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.store.MoriaStoreException
MoriaStoreException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.store.MoriaStoreException
MoriaStoreException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.store.MoriaStoreException
MoriaStoreFactory - Class in no.feide.moria.store
Class implementing simple factory pattern returning implementations of the MoriaStore interface.
MoriaStoreFactory() - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaStoreFactory
Default private constructor.
MoriaTicket - Class in no.feide.moria.store
This class represents the tickets used as identifiers in Moria.
MoriaTicket(MoriaTicketType, String, String, Long, MoriaStoreData, String) - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicket
Constructs a new ticket with auto-generated ticket id.
MoriaTicket(String, MoriaTicketType, String, Long, MoriaStoreData, String) - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicket
Constructs a new ticket with the given arguments.
MoriaTicketType - Class in no.feide.moria.store
This class represents the different types of tickets used in Moria.
MoriaTicketType(String) - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicketType
Default private constructor.


name - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicketType
Description of ticket type.
NAME_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
Constant representing the name attribute key.
newId(String) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicket
Creates a new key that can be used as an identifier of the ticket.
newId(String) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.store.RandomId
Generate a new random id.
nextOrdinal - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicketType
Ordinal of next ticket type to be created.
no.feide.moria.store - package no.feide.moria.store
Data store API for Moria.
NO_OF_RANDOM_BITS - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.RandomId
The number of random bits to get from the PRNG.
nodeCreated(Fqn) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
nodeEvicted(Fqn) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
nodeId - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
The node identificator for this node ( : ).
nodeIdToByteArray(String) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.store.RandomId
nodeList - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionAlgorithm
Synchronized list of nodes.
nodeLoaded(Fqn) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
nodeMap - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionAlgorithm
Synchronized hash map of nodes.
nodeModified(Fqn) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
nodeRemoved(Fqn) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
nodeVisited(Fqn) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
NonExistentTicketException - Exception in no.feide.moria.store
Raised whenever a requested ticket is not found in the store.
NonExistentTicketException() - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.store.NonExistentTicketException
NonExistentTicketException(String) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.store.NonExistentTicketException
NonExistentTicketException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.store.NonExistentTicketException
NonExistentTicketException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.store.NonExistentTicketException


OPERATION_FAILED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
Constant holding default error message.
ordinal - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicketType
Assigns an ordinal to this ticket type.


parseConfig(Element) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
Parses the config retrieved from TreeCache.getEvictionPolicyConfig().
PRINCIPAL_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
The common hashmap key for the principal.
PRIVATE_TICKET_TYPES - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicketType
Static array that holds all objects.
process(Region) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionAlgorithm
Perfoms the eviction algorithm.
processAddedNodes(Region, Fqn) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionAlgorithm
Adds nodes to eviction data structures.
processRemovedNodes(Fqn) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionAlgorithm
Removes nodes from eviction data structures.
PROXY_TICKET - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicketType
Issued to a service when a valid TGT is presented.
prune(Region) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionAlgorithm
Prunes a region of the tree.
pseudoBase64Encode(byte[]) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.store.RandomId
Takes a byte array and returns a string encoded with a slightly modified version of Base64.


random - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.RandomId
The random generator.
RandomId - Class in no.feide.moria.store
Returns an id that is random and unique across a cluster of JVMs.
RandomId() - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.store.RandomId
Default private constructor.
readResolve() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicketType
Returns the local classloader representation of the object.
REAL_TTL_PERCENTAGE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
The name of the ttl percentage property.
REGION_NAME - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
Constant representing the region name key.
regionManager - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
Manages the regions for each ticket type.
regionName - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy.RegionValue
Region name.
regionValues - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
Contains the different regions registered for this policy.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.CachedUserData
Remove an attribute.
removeFromStore(MoriaTicket) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
Removes a ticket, and possibly a connected userdata or authnAttempt from the cache.
removeSSOTicket(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
Removes an SSO ticket from the store.
removeSSOTicket(String) - Method in interface no.feide.moria.store.MoriaStore
Removes an SSO ticket from the store.
requestedAttributes - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaAuthnAttempt
The inital attributes requested by the initiating service.
resetEvictionQueue(Region) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionAlgorithm
returnURLPostfix - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaAuthnAttempt
The final part of the url the user is to be redirected to.
returnURLPrefix - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaAuthnAttempt
The initial part of the url the user is to be redirected to.
ROOT - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
The root node.


serialVersionUID - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicket
Generated serial version UID.
SERVICE_TICKET - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicketType
For use by the service upon retrieval of user data.
servicePrincipal - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaAuthnAttempt
Principal for the client that requests the authentication attempt.
servicePrincipal - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicket
The id of the service associated with this ticket.
setConfig(Properties) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
Configures the store.
setConfig(Properties) - Method in interface no.feide.moria.store.MoriaStore
Sets the configuration of the store.
setTicketUserorg(String, MoriaTicketType, String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
Sets the userorg of a ticket.
setTicketUserorg(String, MoriaTicketType, String) - Method in interface no.feide.moria.store.MoriaStore
Sets the userorg of a ticket.
setTransientAttributes(HashMap) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaAuthnAttempt
Sets the user data that have been retrieved from a directory for this authentication attempt.
setTransientAttributes(String, HashMap) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
Sets transient attributes stored with authentication attempt in an SSO context, which implies that not all cached (for potential SSO attributes) should be included.
setTransientAttributes(String, HashMap) - Method in interface no.feide.moria.store.MoriaStore
Sets transient attributes stored with authentication attempt.
setTransientSSOAttributes(String, String, String[]) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
Sets transient attributes stored with authentication attempt, copied from a cached user data object.
setTransientSSOAttributes(String, String, String[]) - Method in interface no.feide.moria.store.MoriaStore
Sets transient attributes stored with authentication attempt, copied from a cached user data object.
setUserorg(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicket
Associates a userorg with this ticket.
SSO_TICKET - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicketType
To be set as a cookie in the client browser for later re-authentication.
stop() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
Stops this instance of the store.
stop() - Method in interface no.feide.moria.store.MoriaStore
Stops this instance of the store.
store - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
The cache instance.


TICKET_GRANTING_TICKET - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicketType
For use by services in proxy authentication scheme.
TICKET_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
The common hashmap key for the ticket type.
TICKET_TYPES - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicketType
Public representation of the ticket types.
ticketDefaultTTLs - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
Map containing the default ttl values.
ticketId - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicket
The unique identifier of this ticket.
TicketTTLEvictionAlgorithm - Class in no.feide.moria.store
This eviction algorithm expires cache elements after a fixed period, aka Time To Live.
TicketTTLEvictionAlgorithm() - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionAlgorithm
Constructs a new instance.
TicketTTLEvictionAlgorithm.NodeEntry - Class in no.feide.moria.store
Represents a cache node.
TicketTTLEvictionAlgorithm.NodeEntry(Long, Fqn) - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionAlgorithm.NodeEntry
Constructs a new instance.
TicketTTLEvictionPolicy - Class in no.feide.moria.store
This eviction policy evicts tickets after a fixed period, aka Time To Live.
TicketTTLEvictionPolicy() - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
Creates a new instance.
TicketTTLEvictionPolicy.RegionValue - Class in no.feide.moria.store
Simple data container for region values.
TicketTTLEvictionPolicy.RegionValue() - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy.RegionValue
ticketTTLs - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
Map to contain the ticket ttl values.
ticketType - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicket
The type of this ticket.
timeToLive - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy.RegionValue
Time to live.
toString() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicket
Gets a string representation of the ticket.
toString() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicketType
Returns string representation of object.
toString() - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy.RegionValue
Returns a string representation.
transientAttributes - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaAuthnAttempt
Transient attributes returned from a directory that are not to be cached.
TTL_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
The common hashmap key for the time to live.
TTL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
Constant representing the ttl attribute key.


unsignedShortToByteArray(int) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.store.RandomId
Takes an unsigned short value (16 bit, as an 32 bit int value) and returns it as an two element byte array.
userorg - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaTicket
The userorg associated with this ticket.
USERORG_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
The common hashmap key for the userorg attribute.


validateTicket(MoriaTicket, MoriaTicketType, String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
Checks validity of ticket against type and expiry time.
validateTicket(MoriaTicket, MoriaTicketType[], String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.MoriaCacheStore
Check validity of ticket against a set of types and expiry time.
viewChange(View) - Method in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy


WAKEUP_INTERVAL_DEFAULT - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
Default interval value for running the evictions.
WAKEUP_INTERVAL_NAME - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
Constant representing the wakeup interval key.
wakeUpIntervalSeconds - Variable in class no.feide.moria.store.TicketTTLEvictionPolicy
The interval for the eviction threads to run.


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