addAssociation(String, String, String, String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.SerializableIndex
Adds a new realm-to-base association to the index.
addException(String, String, String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.SerializableIndex
Add a new search exception (exception to the basic rule of realm-to-base associations) to this index.
associations - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.SerializableIndex
Internal list of associations; that is, the mapping between logical ID realms (as Strings) - following the 'at' character - and search base references (as String arrays).
ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_CHARSET - Static variable in interface no.feide.moria.directory.backend.DirectoryManagerBackend
The character set used when encoding attribute values.
authenticate(Credentials, String[]) - Method in interface no.feide.moria.directory.backend.DirectoryManagerBackend
Attempts to authenticate a user and retrieve a set of user attributes.
authenticate(Credentials, String[]) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.DummyBackend
Authenticates a user, if the user exists and the username equals the password.
authenticate(String, String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.DummyUser
"Authenticates" this user, by doing a case-insensitive match on username and case-sensitive match on password.
authenticate(Credentials, String[]) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.JNDIBackend
Authenticates the user using the supplied credentials and retrieves the requested attributes.
authenticate(String, Credentials, String[]) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManager
Forwards an authentication attempt to the underlying backend.
AuthenticationFailedException - Exception in no.feide.moria.directory.backend
Used to signal a failed authentication attempt.
AuthenticationFailedException(String) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.directory.backend.AuthenticationFailedException


backendConfiguration - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManagerConfiguration
Internal representation of the backend configuration file structure.
BackendException - Exception in no.feide.moria.directory.backend
Represents an exception originating form the directory manager's backend.
BackendException(String) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.directory.backend.BackendException
Basic constructor.
BackendException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.directory.backend.BackendException
backendFactory - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManager
Internal representation of the backend factory.
backendFactoryClass - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManagerConfiguration
Internal representation of the backend class.
backendTimeouts - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.JNDIBackendFactory
The number of seconds before a backend connection times out.


close() - Method in interface no.feide.moria.directory.backend.DirectoryManagerBackend
Closes the current backend and releases any resources.
close() - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.DummyBackend
Does nothing, but needed to fulfill the DirectoryManagerBackend interface.
close() - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.JNDIBackend
Does nothing, but needed to fulfill the DirectoryManagerBackend interface.
configuration - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManager
The currently used (valid) Directory Manager configuration.
CONFIGURATION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManagerConfiguration
The required configuration file property, for external reference.
connect(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.JNDIBackend
Creates a new connection to a given backend provider URL.
createBackend(String) - Method in interface no.feide.moria.directory.backend.DirectoryManagerBackendFactory
Creates a new instance of a proper directory manager backend.
createBackend(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.DummyBackendFactory
Creates a new DummyBackend instance.
createBackend(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.JNDIBackendFactory
Creates a new JNDIBackend instance.
Credentials - Class in no.feide.moria.directory
Represents a set of user credentials, that is, a username/password pair.
Credentials(String, String) - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.directory.Credentials


defaultEnv - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.JNDIBackend
Default initial LDAP context environment.
destroy() - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManager
DirectoryManager - Class in no.feide.moria.directory
The Directory Manager (sometimes referred to as DM) component in Moria 2.
DirectoryManager() - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManager
DirectoryManagerBackend - Interface in no.feide.moria.directory.backend
DirectoryManagerBackendFactory - Interface in no.feide.moria.directory.backend
The interface to the backend factory.
DirectoryManagerConfiguration - Class in no.feide.moria.directory
Configuration handler for the Directory Manager.
DirectoryManagerConfiguration(Properties) - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManagerConfiguration
DirectoryManagerConfigurationException - Exception in no.feide.moria.directory
Used to signal an exception related to the Directory Manager's configuration.
DirectoryManagerConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManagerConfigurationException
DirectoryManagerConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManagerConfigurationException
DirectoryManagerIndex - Interface in no.feide.moria.directory.index
This is the interface used to access an underlying index implementation.
DummyBackend - Class in no.feide.moria.directory.backend
Hard-coded dummy backend, for testing.
DummyBackend(Element) - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.DummyBackend
Protected constructor.
DummyBackendFactory - Class in no.feide.moria.directory.backend
Factory class for dummy backends.
DummyBackendFactory() - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.DummyBackendFactory
DummyUser - Class in no.feide.moria.directory.backend
Used to internally represent a user in the DummyBackend class.
DummyUser(String, String, HashMap) - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.DummyUser


equals(Object) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.SerializableIndex
Checks whether two index instances are equal.
exceptions - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.SerializableIndex
Internal list of exceptions to the associations; that is, explicitly indexed logical IDs (as Strings) to full external references (as String s).
explicit - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.IndexedReference
true if this is a fully qualified reference to an external element.


filename - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.IndexUpdater
The location of the index file.


generatedIndex - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.tools.SerializableIndexCreator
Internal representation of the index.
getAttributes(String[]) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.DummyUser
Gets this user's attributes.
getAttributes(InitialLdapContext, String, String[]) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.JNDIBackend
Retrieves a list of attributes from an element.
getBackendElement() - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManagerConfiguration
Gets the backend configuration element.
getBackendFactoryClass() - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManagerConfiguration
Gets the backend factory class implementation.
getIndexFilename() - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManagerConfiguration
Gets the serialized index file name.
getIndexUpdateFrequency() - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManagerConfiguration
Gets the index update frequency.
getPassword() - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.Credentials
Retrieves the password part of the credentials.
getPassword(String) - Method in interface no.feide.moria.directory.index.DirectoryManagerIndex
Return the password associated with a certain search base.
getPassword(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.SerializableIndex
Return the password associated with a given base.
getPasswords() - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.IndexedReference
Gets the external passwords.
getRealm(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManager
Resolves the realm of a given username.
getRealm(String) - Method in interface no.feide.moria.directory.index.DirectoryManagerIndex
Return the related realm of a given logical ID, typically a username.
getRealm(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.SerializableIndex
Looks up which realm a given identifier belongs to.
getReferences(String) - Method in interface no.feide.moria.directory.index.DirectoryManagerIndex
Looks up one or more backend references from a given logical ID, typically a username.
getReferences() - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.IndexedReference
Gets the external references.
getReferences(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.SerializableIndex
Looks up an element reference from the index based on its logical ID (typically username).
getUsername() - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.Credentials
Retrieves the username part of the credentials.
getUsername(String) - Method in interface no.feide.moria.directory.index.DirectoryManagerIndex
Return the username associated with a certain search base.
getUsername(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.SerializableIndex
Return the username associated with a given base.
getUsernames() - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.IndexedReference
Gets the usernames.
guessedAttribute - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.JNDIBackend
The name of the attribute used to guess a user's (R)DN.
guessedAttribute - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.JNDIBackendFactory
The name of the attribute used to guess the user element's (R)DN, if it cannot be found by searching.


hashCode() - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.SerializableIndex
Generates a hashCode.


index - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManager
Internal representation of the index.
IndexedReference - Class in no.feide.moria.directory.index
Represents an indexed reference to an external element.
IndexedReference(String[], String[], String[], boolean) - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.directory.index.IndexedReference
indexFilename - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManagerConfiguration
The location of the index file.
indexTimer - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManager
This timer uses IndexUpdater to periodically call updateIndex().
indexUpdateFrequency - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManagerConfiguration
The index update frequency, in milliseconds.
IndexUpdater - Class in no.feide.moria.directory
This is the task responsible for periodically checking for a new index file, and if necessary, update the existing index.
IndexUpdater(DirectoryManager, String) - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.directory.IndexUpdater
isExplicitlyIndexed() - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.IndexedReference
Checks whether this reference is an explicit reference to an external element, or an implicit reference to a search base of some sort.


JNDIBackend - Class in no.feide.moria.directory.backend
Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) backend.
JNDIBackend(String, int, boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.JNDIBackend
Protected constructor.
JNDIBackendFactory - Class in no.feide.moria.directory.backend
Factory class for JNDI backends.
JNDIBackendFactory() - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.JNDIBackendFactory


ldapSearch(InitialLdapContext, String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.JNDIBackend
Does a subtree search for an element given a pattern.
log - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.JNDIBackend
The message logger.
log - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManager
The message logger.
log - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.IndexUpdater
Used for logging.


main(String[]) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.tools.StartTlsTester
Main method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.tools.SerializableIndexCreator
Main method.
myAttributes - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.DummyUser
This user's attributes.
myConfig - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.DummyBackendFactory
Holds the dummy backend configuration.
myPassword - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.DummyUser
This user's password.
myPasswords - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.IndexedReference
Passwords, where each element matches the same index in myReferences.
myReferences - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.JNDIBackend
The external reference of this backend.
myReferences - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.IndexedReference
External references.
mySessionTicket - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.JNDIBackend
The session ticket used when logging from this instance.
myTimeout - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.JNDIBackend
The connection timeout used.
myUsername - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.DummyUser
This user's username.
myUsernames - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.IndexedReference
Usernames, where each element matches the same index in myReferences.


no.feide.moria.directory - package no.feide.moria.directory
Classes implementing the Directory Manager (DM).
no.feide.moria.directory.backend - package no.feide.moria.directory.backend
Classes defining the backend interfaces and various implementations of these.
no.feide.moria.directory.backend.tools - package no.feide.moria.directory.backend.tools
Test programs for the directory backend.
no.feide.moria.directory.index - package no.feide.moria.directory.index
Classes defining the index interface and various index implementations.
no.feide.moria.directory.index.tools - package no.feide.moria.directory.index.tools
Tools used to manipulate index structures.


open(IndexedReference[]) - Method in interface no.feide.moria.directory.backend.DirectoryManagerBackend
Opens a new backend connection.
open(IndexedReference[]) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.DummyBackend
Does nothing, but needed to fulfill the DirectoryManagerBackend interface.
open(IndexedReference[]) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.JNDIBackend
Opens this backend.
owner - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.IndexUpdater
The instance of Directory Manager that created this task.


parseBackendConfig(Element) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManagerConfiguration
Parses the subsection of the configuration file common to all backend implementations and updates the configuration.
parseIndexConfig(Element) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManagerConfiguration
Parses the subsection of the configuration file related to the index and updates the configuration.
password - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.Credentials
Internal representation of the user's password.
passwords - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.SerializableIndex
Internal list of passwords for each association/exception.


readIndex() - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.IndexUpdater
Reads an index file and create a new index object.
realms - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.SerializableIndex
Internal list of realms for each exception.
run() - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.IndexUpdater
Performs the periodic update of the DirectoryManager's index, by calling the DirectoryManager.updateIndex(DirectoryManagerIndex) method.


SerializableIndex - Class in no.feide.moria.directory.index
A serializable index implementation, used for offline generation of a new index.
SerializableIndex() - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.directory.index.SerializableIndex
SerializableIndexCreator - Class in no.feide.moria.directory.index.tools
Index creator.
SerializableIndexCreator() - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.directory.index.tools.SerializableIndexCreator
Default private constructor.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception no.feide.moria.directory.backend.AuthenticationFailedException
Serial version UID.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception no.feide.moria.directory.backend.BackendException
Serial version UID.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManagerConfigurationException
Serial version UID.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.SerializableIndex
Serial version identifier.
setConfig(Element) - Method in interface no.feide.moria.directory.backend.DirectoryManagerBackendFactory
Sets the backend factory configuration.
setConfig(Element) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.DummyBackendFactory
Configures use of the dummy backends.
setConfig(Element) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.JNDIBackendFactory
Sets the factory-specific configuration.
setConfig(Properties) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManager
Sets or updates the Directory Manager's configuration.
StartTlsTester - Class in no.feide.moria.directory.backend.tools
A simple tool to test TLS (StartTLS) behaviour against LDAP servers.
StartTlsTester() - Constructor for class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.tools.StartTlsTester
Default private constructor.
stop() - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManager
Stops the Directory Manager.


timestamp - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.IndexUpdater
The timestamp of the last read index file.
toString() - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.SerializableIndex
Gives a string representation of the object, for visual debugging.


updateIndex(DirectoryManagerIndex) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManager
Sets or updates the internal index structure.
userExists(String) - Method in interface no.feide.moria.directory.backend.DirectoryManagerBackend
Checks whether a given user actually exists.
userExists(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.DummyBackend
Checks whether a user exists.
userExists(String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.JNDIBackend
Checks whether a user element exists, based on its username value.
userExists(String, String) - Method in class no.feide.moria.directory.DirectoryManager
Checks that a user actually exists by querying the underlying backend.
username - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.Credentials
Internal representation of the username.
usernameAttribute - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.JNDIBackend
The name of the attribute holding the username.
usernameAttribute - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.JNDIBackendFactory
The name of the attribute containing the username.
usernames - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.index.SerializableIndex
Internal list of usernames for each association/exception.
users - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.DummyBackend
Maps user names (converted to lowercase) to DummyUser elements.
useSSL - Variable in class no.feide.moria.directory.backend.JNDIBackendFactory
Whether the backend should use SSL.


VIRTUAL_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in interface no.feide.moria.directory.backend.DirectoryManagerBackend
The list of "virtual" attributes, that is, attributes that are generated by Moria itself, and not read from any physical attribute through the backend.


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