Class JNDIBackend

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class JNDIBackend
extends java.lang.Object
implements DirectoryManagerBackend

Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) backend. Used to authenticate users and retrieve the associated attributes.

Field Summary
private  java.util.Hashtable defaultEnv
          Default initial LDAP context environment.
private  java.lang.String guessedAttribute
          The name of the attribute used to guess a user's (R)DN.
private  no.feide.moria.log.MessageLogger log
          The message logger.
private  IndexedReference[] myReferences
          The external reference of this backend.
private  java.lang.String mySessionTicket
          The session ticket used when logging from this instance.
private  int myTimeout
          The connection timeout used.
private  java.lang.String usernameAttribute
          The name of the attribute holding the username.
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
protected JNDIBackend(java.lang.String sessionTicket, int timeout, boolean ssl, java.lang.String usernameAttributeName, java.lang.String guessedAttributeName)
          Protected constructor.
Method Summary
 java.util.HashMap authenticate(Credentials userCredentials, java.lang.String[] attributeRequest)
          Authenticates the user using the supplied credentials and retrieves the requested attributes.
 void close()
          Does nothing, but needed to fulfill the DirectoryManagerBackend interface.
private  javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext connect(java.lang.String url)
          Creates a new connection to a given backend provider URL.
private  java.util.HashMap getAttributes(javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext ldap, java.lang.String rdn, java.lang.String[] attributes)
          Retrieves a list of attributes from an element.
private  java.lang.String ldapSearch(javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext ldap, java.lang.String pattern)
          Does a subtree search for an element given a pattern.
 void open(IndexedReference[] references)
          Opens this backend.
 boolean userExists(java.lang.String username)
          Checks whether a user element exists, based on its username value.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private final no.feide.moria.log.MessageLogger log
The message logger.


private IndexedReference[] myReferences
The external reference of this backend.


private final int myTimeout
The connection timeout used.


private java.util.Hashtable defaultEnv
Default initial LDAP context environment.


private java.lang.String usernameAttribute
The name of the attribute holding the username.


private java.lang.String guessedAttribute
The name of the attribute used to guess a user's (R)DN.


private java.lang.String mySessionTicket
The session ticket used when logging from this instance.

Constructor Detail


protected JNDIBackend(java.lang.String sessionTicket,
                      int timeout,
                      boolean ssl,
                      java.lang.String usernameAttributeName,
                      java.lang.String guessedAttributeName)
               throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException,
Protected constructor. Creates an initial default context environment and adds support for referrals, a fix for OpenSSL aliases, and enables SSL as default.

sessionTicket - The session ticket for this instance, used when logging. May be null (which is treated as an empty string) or an empty string.
timeout - The number of seconds before a connection attempt through this backend times out.
ssl - true if SSL is to be used, otherwise false.
usernameAttributeName - The name of the attribute holding the username. Cannot be null.
guessedAttributeName - If we search but cannot find a user element (for example, if it is not searchable), we will guess that the (R)DN starts with the substring guessedAttributeName=usernamePrefix, where usernamePrefix is the part of the username preceding the 'at' character. Cannot be null.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If timeout is less than zero.
java.lang.NullPointerException - If guessedAttributeName or usernameAttribute is null.
Method Detail


public final void open(IndexedReference[] references)
Opens this backend. Does not actually initialize the network connection to the external LDAP.

Specified by:
open in interface DirectoryManagerBackend
references - The external reference to the LDAP server. Cannot be null, and must contain at least one reference.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If reference is null, or an empty array.


public final boolean userExists(java.lang.String username)
                         throws BackendException
Checks whether a user element exists, based on its username value.

Specified by:
userExists in interface DirectoryManagerBackend
username - User name.
true if the user can be looked up through JNDI, otherwise false.
BackendException - If there is a problem accessing the backend.


public final java.util.HashMap authenticate(Credentials userCredentials,
                                            java.lang.String[] attributeRequest)
                                     throws AuthenticationFailedException,
Authenticates the user using the supplied credentials and retrieves the requested attributes.

Specified by:
authenticate in interface DirectoryManagerBackend
userCredentials - User's credentials. Cannot be null.
attributeRequest - Requested attributes.
The requested attributes (String names and String[] values), if they did exist in the external backend. Otherwise returns those attributes that could actually be read, this may be an empty HashMap. Returns an empty HashMap if attributeRequest is null or an empty array.
AuthenticationFailedException - If the authentication fails.
BackendException - If there is a problem accessing the backend.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If userCredentials is null.


private java.util.HashMap getAttributes(javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext ldap,
                                        java.lang.String rdn,
                                        java.lang.String[] attributes)
                                 throws BackendException
Retrieves a list of attributes from an element.

ldap - A prepared LDAP context. Cannot be null.
rdn - The relative DN (to the DN in the LDAP context ldap). Cannot be null.
attributes - The requested attribute's names.
The requested attributes (String names and String[] values), if they did exist in the external backend. Otherwise returns those attributes that could actually be read, this may be an empty HashMap. Returns an empty HashMap if attributes is null or an empty array. Note that attribute values are mapped to String using ISO-8859-1.
BackendException - If unable to read the attributes from the backend.
java.lang.NullPointerException - If ldap or rdn is null.
See Also:
InitialDirContext.getAttributes(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[])


public void close()
Does nothing, but needed to fulfill the DirectoryManagerBackend interface. Actual backend connections are closed after each use.

Specified by:
close in interface DirectoryManagerBackend
See Also:


private java.lang.String ldapSearch(javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext ldap,
                                    java.lang.String pattern)
                             throws BackendException
Does a subtree search for an element given a pattern. Only the first element found is considered, and all references are searched in order until either a match is found or no more references are left to search.

ldap - A prepared LDAP context.
pattern - The search pattern. Must not include the character '*' or the substring '\2a' to prevent possible LDAP exploits.
The element's relative DN, or null if none was found. null is also returned if the search pattern contains an illegal character or substring.
BackendException - If there was a problem accessing the backend. Typical causes include timeouts.


private javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext connect(java.lang.String url)
                                              throws javax.naming.NamingException
Creates a new connection to a given backend provider URL.

url - The backend provider URL.
The opened backend connection.
javax.naming.NamingException - If unable to connect to the provider given by url.

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