Uses of MoriaStoreException in no.feide.moria.store |
Subclasses of MoriaStoreException in no.feide.moria.store | |
class |
Signals that something failed when trying to configure the store. |
Methods in no.feide.moria.store that throw MoriaStoreException | |
java.lang.String |
MoriaStore.cacheUserData(java.util.HashMap attributes,
java.lang.String userorg)
Creates a new CachedUserData object in the underlying store and associates it with an SSO ticket which is returned. |
java.lang.String |
MoriaCacheStore.cacheUserData(java.util.HashMap attributes,
java.lang.String userorg)
Creates a new CachedUserData object in the store and associates it with an SSO ticket which is returned. |
java.lang.String |
MoriaStore.createAuthnAttempt(java.lang.String[] requestAttributes,
java.lang.String responseURLPrefix,
java.lang.String responseURLPostfix,
boolean forceInteractiveAuthentication,
java.lang.String servicePrincipal)
Creates an authentication attempt based on a service request. |
java.lang.String |
MoriaCacheStore.createAuthnAttempt(java.lang.String[] requestedAttributes,
java.lang.String responseURLPrefix,
java.lang.String responseURLPostfix,
boolean forceInteractiveAuthentication,
java.lang.String servicePrincipal)
Creates an authentication attempt based on a service request. |
static MoriaStore |
Static factory method creates an instance of MoriaStore. |
java.lang.String |
MoriaStore.createProxyTicket(java.lang.String tgTicketId,
java.lang.String servicePrincipal,
java.lang.String targetServicePrincipal)
Creates a new proxy ticket from a TGT and associates the new ticket with the same user data as the TGT. |
java.lang.String |
MoriaCacheStore.createProxyTicket(java.lang.String tgTicketId,
java.lang.String servicePrincipal,
java.lang.String targetServicePrincipal)
Creates a new proxy ticket from a TGT and associates the new ticket with the same user data as the TGT. |
java.lang.String |
MoriaStore.createServiceTicket(java.lang.String loginTicketId)
Creates a service ticket that the service will use when requesting user attributes after a successful authentication. |
java.lang.String |
MoriaCacheStore.createServiceTicket(java.lang.String loginTicketId)
Creates a service ticket that the service will use when requesting user attributes after a successful authentication. |
java.lang.String |
MoriaStore.createTicketGrantingTicket(java.lang.String ssoTicketId,
java.lang.String targetServicePrincipal)
Creates a new ticket granting ticket, using an sso ticket. |
java.lang.String |
MoriaCacheStore.createTicketGrantingTicket(java.lang.String ssoTicketId,
java.lang.String targetServicePrincipal)
Creates a new ticket granting ticket, using an sso ticket. |
MoriaAuthnAttempt |
MoriaStore.getAuthnAttempt(java.lang.String ticketId,
boolean keep,
java.lang.String servicePrincipal)
Gets the authentication attempt associated with the ticket given as argument. |
MoriaAuthnAttempt |
MoriaCacheStore.getAuthnAttempt(java.lang.String ticketId,
boolean keep,
java.lang.String servicePrincipal)
Gets the authentication attempt associated with the ticket given as argument. |
(package private) MoriaTicket |
MoriaCacheStore.getFromStore(MoriaTicketType[] ticketTypes,
java.lang.String ticketId)
Retrieves a ticket instance which may be one of a number of types. |
(package private) MoriaTicket |
MoriaCacheStore.getFromStore(MoriaTicketType ticketType,
java.lang.String ticketId)
Retrieves a ticket instance from the store. |
java.lang.String |
MoriaStore.getTicketServicePrincipal(java.lang.String ticketId,
MoriaTicketType ticketType)
Returns the service principal for the ticket. |
java.lang.String |
MoriaCacheStore.getTicketServicePrincipal(java.lang.String ticketId,
MoriaTicketType ticketType)
Returns the service principal for the ticket. |
java.lang.String |
MoriaStore.getTicketUserorg(java.lang.String ticketId,
MoriaTicketType ticketType)
Gets the userorg of a ticket. |
java.lang.String |
MoriaCacheStore.getTicketUserorg(java.lang.String ticketId,
MoriaTicketType ticketType)
Gets the userorg of a ticket. |
CachedUserData |
MoriaStore.getUserData(java.lang.String proxyTicketId,
java.lang.String servicePrincipal)
Returns the userdata associated with the incoming ticket, which must be either a proxy ticket, an SSO ticket or ticket granting ticket. |
CachedUserData |
MoriaCacheStore.getUserData(java.lang.String ticketId,
java.lang.String servicePrincipal)
Returns the userdata associated with the incoming ticket, which must be either a proxy ticket, an SSO ticket or ticket granting ticket. |
private void |
MoriaCacheStore.insertIntoStore(MoriaTicket ticket)
Inserts an authentication attempt or cached user data into the cache. |
private void |
MoriaCacheStore.removeFromStore(MoriaTicket ticket)
Removes a ticket, and possibly a connected userdata or authnAttempt from the cache. |
void |
MoriaStore.removeSSOTicket(java.lang.String ssoTicketId)
Removes an SSO ticket from the store. |
void |
MoriaCacheStore.removeSSOTicket(java.lang.String ssoTicketId)
Removes an SSO ticket from the store. |
void |
MoriaStore.setTicketUserorg(java.lang.String ticketId,
MoriaTicketType ticketType,
java.lang.String userorg)
Sets the userorg of a ticket. |
void |
MoriaCacheStore.setTicketUserorg(java.lang.String ticketId,
MoriaTicketType ticketType,
java.lang.String userorg)
Sets the userorg of a ticket. |
void |
MoriaStore.setTransientAttributes(java.lang.String loginTicketId,
java.util.HashMap transientAttributes)
Sets transient attributes stored with authentication attempt. |
void |
MoriaCacheStore.setTransientAttributes(java.lang.String loginTicketId,
java.util.HashMap transientAttributes)
Sets transient attributes stored with authentication attempt in an SSO context, which implies that not all cached (for potential SSO attributes) should be included. |
void |
MoriaStore.setTransientSSOAttributes(java.lang.String loginTicketId,
java.lang.String ssoTicketId,
java.lang.String[] ssoEnabledAttributeNames)
Sets transient attributes stored with authentication attempt, copied from a cached user data object. |
void |
MoriaCacheStore.setTransientSSOAttributes(java.lang.String loginTicketId,
java.lang.String ssoTicketId,
java.lang.String[] ssoEnabledAttributeNames)
Sets transient attributes stored with authentication attempt, copied from a cached user data object. |
Constructors in no.feide.moria.store that throw MoriaStoreException | |
Constructs a new instance. |