Uses of Class

Uses of NonExistentTicketException in

Methods in that throw NonExistentTicketException
 java.lang.String MoriaStore.createProxyTicket(java.lang.String tgTicketId, java.lang.String servicePrincipal, java.lang.String targetServicePrincipal)
          Creates a new proxy ticket from a TGT and associates the new ticket with the same user data as the TGT.
 java.lang.String MoriaCacheStore.createProxyTicket(java.lang.String tgTicketId, java.lang.String servicePrincipal, java.lang.String targetServicePrincipal)
          Creates a new proxy ticket from a TGT and associates the new ticket with the same user data as the TGT.
 java.lang.String MoriaStore.createServiceTicket(java.lang.String loginTicketId)
          Creates a service ticket that the service will use when requesting user attributes after a successful authentication.
 java.lang.String MoriaCacheStore.createServiceTicket(java.lang.String loginTicketId)
          Creates a service ticket that the service will use when requesting user attributes after a successful authentication.
 java.lang.String MoriaStore.createTicketGrantingTicket(java.lang.String ssoTicketId, java.lang.String targetServicePrincipal)
          Creates a new ticket granting ticket, using an sso ticket.
 java.lang.String MoriaCacheStore.createTicketGrantingTicket(java.lang.String ssoTicketId, java.lang.String targetServicePrincipal)
          Creates a new ticket granting ticket, using an sso ticket.
 MoriaAuthnAttempt MoriaStore.getAuthnAttempt(java.lang.String ticketId, boolean keep, java.lang.String servicePrincipal)
          Gets the authentication attempt associated with the ticket given as argument.
 MoriaAuthnAttempt MoriaCacheStore.getAuthnAttempt(java.lang.String ticketId, boolean keep, java.lang.String servicePrincipal)
          Gets the authentication attempt associated with the ticket given as argument.
 java.lang.String MoriaStore.getTicketServicePrincipal(java.lang.String ticketId, MoriaTicketType ticketType)
          Returns the service principal for the ticket.
 java.lang.String MoriaCacheStore.getTicketServicePrincipal(java.lang.String ticketId, MoriaTicketType ticketType)
          Returns the service principal for the ticket.
 java.lang.String MoriaStore.getTicketUserorg(java.lang.String ticketId, MoriaTicketType ticketType)
          Gets the userorg of a ticket.
 java.lang.String MoriaCacheStore.getTicketUserorg(java.lang.String ticketId, MoriaTicketType ticketType)
          Gets the userorg of a ticket.
 CachedUserData MoriaStore.getUserData(java.lang.String proxyTicketId, java.lang.String servicePrincipal)
          Returns the userdata associated with the incoming ticket, which must be either a proxy ticket, an SSO ticket or ticket granting ticket.
 CachedUserData MoriaCacheStore.getUserData(java.lang.String ticketId, java.lang.String servicePrincipal)
          Returns the userdata associated with the incoming ticket, which must be either a proxy ticket, an SSO ticket or ticket granting ticket.
private  void MoriaCacheStore.removeFromStore(MoriaTicket ticket)
          Removes a ticket, and possibly a connected userdata or authnAttempt from the cache.
 void MoriaStore.removeSSOTicket(java.lang.String ssoTicketId)
          Removes an SSO ticket from the store.
 void MoriaCacheStore.removeSSOTicket(java.lang.String ssoTicketId)
          Removes an SSO ticket from the store.
 void MoriaStore.setTicketUserorg(java.lang.String ticketId, MoriaTicketType ticketType, java.lang.String userorg)
          Sets the userorg of a ticket.
 void MoriaCacheStore.setTicketUserorg(java.lang.String ticketId, MoriaTicketType ticketType, java.lang.String userorg)
          Sets the userorg of a ticket.
 void MoriaStore.setTransientAttributes(java.lang.String loginTicketId, java.util.HashMap transientAttributes)
          Sets transient attributes stored with authentication attempt.
 void MoriaCacheStore.setTransientAttributes(java.lang.String loginTicketId, java.util.HashMap transientAttributes)
          Sets transient attributes stored with authentication attempt in an SSO context, which implies that not all cached (for potential SSO attributes) should be included.
 void MoriaStore.setTransientSSOAttributes(java.lang.String loginTicketId, java.lang.String ssoTicketId, java.lang.String[] ssoEnabledAttributeNames)
          Sets transient attributes stored with authentication attempt, copied from a cached user data object.
 void MoriaCacheStore.setTransientSSOAttributes(java.lang.String loginTicketId, java.lang.String ssoTicketId, java.lang.String[] ssoEnabledAttributeNames)
          Sets transient attributes stored with authentication attempt, copied from a cached user data object.

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