The Mellon Demo configuration contains properties used to set up an optional demonstration service against a Moria installation. This may be useful to check your Moria configuration, or to demonstrate the Moria functionality with a fictional, but working, client service.
The Mellon Demo is dependent on an inital property which has to be specified as system properties in the VM (or classloader, if your application server supports this functionality):
no.feide.mellon.demo.configShould point to the Mellon Demo's configuration property file. Example:
This example starts Resin with the required property:
$ cd $RESIN_HOME/bin $ httpd \ > -Dno.feide.mellon.demo.config=/config/
Also note the similar Base Configuration documentation.
The configuration properties required in the Mellon Demo configuration file are as follows:
The service endpoint. The example file below assumes Moria is deployed locally, and will use version 2.0 of the SOAP interface.
A comma-separated list of attributes requested by the master (in the Authorization Manager referred to as a "service") demo service. The example file below will cause the demo servlet to request the attributes someAttribute as well as the virtual (meaning it doesn't exist physically in the actual user element) attribute tgt, which is the ticket granting ticket. If this property is not set, no attributes are requested (effectively an empty array).
The username used by the demo servlet to access Moria as a master (in the Authorization Manager referred to as a "service") client service. The application server's user database must be configured accordingly.
The password used by the demo servlet to access Moria as a master (in the Authorization Manager referred to as a "service") client service. The application server's user database must be configured accordingly.
A comma-separated list of attributes requested by the slave (in the Authorization Manager referred to as a subservice) demo service. The example file below will cause the demo servlet to request the attribute anotherAttribute. If this property is not set, no attributes are requested (effectively an empty array).
The username used by the demo servlet to access Moria as a slave (in the Authorization Manager referred to as a "subservice") client service. The application server's user database must be configured accordingly.
The password used by the demo servlet to access Moria as a slave (in the Authorization Manager referred to as a "subservice") client service. The application server's user database must be configured accordingly.
The name of the parameter used to contain the redirect URL
when logging out. Explicitly included for example purposes,
although it could possibly be derived from
The following configuration properties for the Mellon Demo are optional:
The filename of an optional truststore, used when Mellon uses a Moria instance with a certificate that cannot be trusted using the JVM's default truststore. If this parameter is not set, the JVM default truststore is used instead.
The password used to access the optional Mellon truststore. Should be specified if a password protected custom truststore file is specified.
Example Mellon Demo configuration file, using a locally deployed Moria. Note that this example requires a suitably configured Moria Authorization Manager (see the Authorization Manager documentation).
# # Configuration properties relevant for the demo service (DemoServlet): # # The service endpoint. no.feide.mellon.demo.serviceEndpoint=http://localhost:8080/moria/v2_1/Authentication # A comma-separated list of attributes requested by the main service. no.feide.mellon.demo.master.attributeRequest=eduPersonOrgDN,tgt # The username used by DemoServlet to access Moria as a main service. no.feide.mellon.demo.master.username=demo_service # The password used by DemoServlet to access Moria as a main service. no.feide.mellon.demo.master.password=demo_service # A comma-separated list of attributes requested by the subservice. no.feide.mellon.demo.slave.attributeRequest=eduPersonAffiliation # The username used to access Moria as a subservice. no.feide.mellon.demo.slave.username=demo_subsystem # The password used to access Moria as a subservice. no.feide.mellon.demo.slave.password=demo_subsystem # The truststore file. no.feide.mellon.demo.trustStore=/some/path/mellon.truststore # The truststore password. no.feide.mellon.demo.trustStorePassword=changeit