The Web Module's configuration contains settings (such as language and cookie information) used by the various servlets that represents Moria. The most important servlets are the login and logout servlets, the Axis servlet (which handles the SOAP interface of Moria) and a few utility type servlets, such as the information servlet.
It is important that there exist a language bundle for the default language; otherwise the the login and logout servlet will fail whenever they try to use this default language.
The core properties are listed below. Unless otherwise stated, all properties are required.
The URL of the login servlet itself. The example file below assumes Moria is deployed locally.
The name of the URL parameter used to contain the redirect URL when logging out. Optional.
A comma-separated list of abbreviations and HTML display names for available languages. The list elements themselves consists of a two-character language code (consistency is required throughout the various configuration files, such as the Authorization Manager file), a colon, and the HTML display name. The example file below configures Norwegian (bokmål) and English.
These properties contain a comma-separated list of organization names to display when using the language with two-character code XX. The list elements themselves consist of a unique organization name (consistency is required throughout the various configuration files, such as the Authorization Manager file), a colon, and the HTML display name. The example file below configures Norwegian (bokmål) and English for one imaginary organization.
The name of the URL parameter containing the Moria ticket ID.
The name of the cookie used to disallow SSO, if so chosen by the user.
The time to live, in hours, for the cookie used to disallow SSO.
The name of the cookie used to carry SSO ticket ID.
The time to live, in hours, for the cookie used to carry SSO ticket ID. A zero value will result in no cookie being stored, while a negative value will result in non-persistent cookies. Note that non-persistent cookies have an infinite lifespan, as long as the user does not close the browser.
The name of the cookie used to store the user's preferred language.
The default Moria language, which should match one of the two-letter language abbreviations already defined. The example file below will use English.
The name of the cookie used to store a user's previously selected organization.
The time to live, in hours, for the cookie used to store the user's previously selected organization.
The URL to the FAQ document.
Link to the Moria2 Status servlet (used in the FAQ document).
Organization name of the Moria2 owner; that is, the organization responsible for the Moria2 service (used in the FAQ document). This property is optional; if not set, a text similar to "the Moria organization" will be used instead.
A date for when the web pages were last updates/Moria2 was last deployed. This property is optional; if not set, a null value will be used instead.
A link to the home page of the Moria2 owner's organization. This property is optional; if not set, a null value will be used instead.
A mail contact address shown on the web pages of Moria. This property is optional; if not set, a null value will be used instead.
The following required properties are used by the information servlet:
Gives the path and name of the file containing the actual
attribute descriptions. The XML file contains a root element
AttributeFile with one or more Attribute child
elements. Each Attribute element must contain the
child elements Key (which has a text child element
giving the physical attribute name), ResourceBundle
(which has a text child element providing the localized
description text for the attribute), Relevance (which
has a text child element that is either
or Optional
), and
Link (which has a text child element that gives the
URL of this attribute to a web page describing the
Example attribute description file:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <attributefile> <attribute> <key>mail</key> <resourcebundle>rb_mail</resourcebundle> <relevance>Mandatory</relevance> <link></link> </attribute>> </attributefile>
Should give the URL used to access to the information servlet.
Should give the URL for the picture servlet, used for displaying jpegPhoto attribute values.
The following property are used by the status servlet:
Gives the path and name of the file containing the information about the test-users. The XML file contains a root element Testuserlist with one or more User child elements. Each User element must contain the child elements Name (which has a text child element giving the name of a test user) and Password (which has a text child element giving the password of a test user).
Example of a status configuration file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?> <Testuserlist> <User> <Name></Name> <Password>test</Password> </User> </Testuserlist>
The following properties are used by the statistics servlet:
Gives the path and name of the file containing the statistics data for Moria1. Note that this static file is not generated on-the-fly by Moria. The XML file must contain a root element Statistics with one or more Service child elements. Each Service element must contain the child elements Name (which has a text child element giving the human-readable name of a service for which statistics data exists) and Months. The Months element must contain one or more Month elements, each with the attributes name (giving the name of the month) and count (giving the number of distinct user accesses per month for this service). Note that the sorting shown on the Status output will follow from the ordering of the statistics file.
Example of a Moria1 statistics data file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?> <Statistics> <Service> <Name>Some Service</Name> <Months> <Month name="January" count="1234"/> <Month name="February" count="2345"/> <Month name="March" count="3456"/> </Months> </Service> </Statistics>
Gives the path and name of the file containing the statistics data for Moria2. Used in a transitional period until Moria1 is phased out. The Moria2 statistics data file is identical in format to the Moria1 statistics data file.
Must contain a comma-separated list of services that will not be shown on the statistics web page.
Configuration property giving the URL to the statistics servlet itself.
Example Web Module configuration file:
# # Configuration properties for Moria itself: # # The URL of the login servlet. no.feide.moria.web.login.url_prefix=http://localhost:8080/moria/Login # The name of the parameter used to contain the redirect URL when logging out. no.feide.moria.web.logout.url_param=redirect # Abbreviations and display names for available languages. no.feide.moria.web.lang_common=nb:Bokmål,en:English # Organization names when using the language EN. Organization # Organization names when using the language NB. organisasjon # Name of URL parameter containing the Moria ticket ID. no.feide.moria.web.login.ticket_param=moriaID # Name of cookie used to disallow SSO. # Time to live, in hours, for cookie used to disallow SSO. no.feide.moria.web.cookie.denysso.ttl=1 # Name of cookie used to carry SSO ticket ID. # Time to live, in hours, for cookie used to carry SSO ticket ID. no.feide.moria.web.cookie.sso.ttl=1 # Name of cookie used to store user's preferred language. # Time to live, in hours, for cookies used to store user's preferred language. no.feide.moria.web.cookie.lang.ttl=1 # Default Moria language. no.feide.moria.web.login.default_language=en # Name of cookie used to store user's previously selected organization. # Time to live, in hours, for cookies used to store user's previously selected organization. # Link to the Moria2 FAQ. no.feide.moria.web.faqlink=http://localhost:8080/moria/faq # Link to the Moria2 Status servlet (used in the FAQ). no.feide.moria.web.faq.status=http://localhost:8080/moria/Status # Organization name of the Moria2 owner (used in the FAQ). no.feide.moria.web.faq.owner=My Moria Organization # Web pages last-updated date. # Link to the Moria2 owner's web pages. # Mail address shown on the web pages. # # Configuration properties relevant for the information service (InformationServlet): # # Giving the URL to the information servlet. no.feide.moria.web.information.url_prefix=http://localhost:8080/moria/Information # Configuration property for the attribute description file name. no.feide.moria.web.information.descriptions=/some/path/attribs.xml # Link to the Picture servlet, used to show jpegPhoto attribute in InformationServlet. no.feide.moria.web.piclink=http://localhost:8080/moria/Picture # # Configuration property relevant for the status service (StatusServlet): # # Configuration proprety for the status.xml file. no.feide.moria.web.backendstatus.status_xml=/some/path/status.xml # # Configuration properties relevant for the statistics service (StatisticsServlet): # # Configuration property for the statistics XML file for Moria1. no.feide.moria.web.backendstatus.statistics_xml=some/path/statistics.xml # Configuration property for the statistics XML file for Moria2. no.feide.moria.web.backendstatus.statistics2_xml=some/path/statistics2.xml # A list of services that should not be shown in the statistics page. no.feide.moria.web.backendstatus.ignore=status,demo # Configuration property for the URL to the statistics service. no.feide.moria.web.statistics.url=http://localhost:8080/moria/Statistics
In addition to the configuration settings mentioned above, the following static resources are used by Moria2. All URLs assume that Moria2 has been deployed to http://localhost:8080/moria; check your servlet container's documentation for details on how to accomplish this - Resin, for example, will let you put these files in RESIN_HOME/doc/resource.
A stylesheet file, used in formatting the browser output.
URL: http://localhost:8080/moria/resource/stil.css
A logo image, displayed on top right of the web pages.
URL: http://localhost:8080/moria/resource/emblem-topp.gif
Another logo image, displayed on the top left of the web pages.
URL: http://localhost:8080/moria/resource/logo.gif