Moria2 and FEIDE

FEIDE runs a Moria2 installation providing an authentication solution primarily for Norwegian research and educational institutions. This chapter gives a quick overview of the details for this particular instance of Moria2.

Contact Points

WSDL Locations

WSDLs for the Moria2 instance run by FEIDE can be found on the following URLs, for various versions of the SOAP interface.

VersionURLUsername to access WSDLPassword to access WSDL

The differences between each version is described in this chapter.

Available User Attributes

FEIDE defines a standard set of user attributes for use within its Moria2 instance. The current attribute definition can be found here.

Available Internal Services

A number of Moria2-internal services may be accessed on the following URLs.

StatusSystem status page. Also shows connectivity status to authentication servers.
StatisticsUsage statistics for each service.
InformationUsers may log on to review the information published about them through this Moria2 instance.
LogoutUsers may browse to this URL to effectively log out; removes SSO cookie and deletes any corresponding session.