getProxyTicket Java/Axis Example

In this example the Moria2-enabled service, having earlier aquired a ticket granting ticket (tgt attribute, here MDA3AAABAVvsT52YvxxKM3yKATVbQtD*sREX80W7cUNXLIvPtvgIYrUc7IjNp9fXQkFpR3fRqkDi0T4) through initiateAuthentication, see separate Java/Axis example), requests a proxy ticket for a subservice identified in Moria2's configuration as subservice_username.

The SOAP implementation used in this example is Axis.

import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import org.apache.axis.client.Call;


Call call = new Call("http://localhost:8080/moria/v2_1/Authentication?WSDL"));
final Object[] parameters = {"MDA3AAABAVvsT52YvxxKM3yKATVbQtD*sREX80W7cUNXLIvPtvgIYrUc7IjNp9fXQkFpR3fRqkDi0T4", 
final String proxyTicket (String) call.invoke(new QName("getProxyTicket"), parameters);

The above code assumes that Moria2 is deployed locally. The proxy ticket proxyTicket may now be passed on to the subservice subservice_username.