Uses of Class

Packages that use BackendException Classes implementing the Directory Manager (DM). Classes defining the backend interfaces and various implementations of these. 

Uses of BackendException in

Methods in that throw BackendException
 java.util.HashMap DirectoryManager.authenticate(java.lang.String sessionTicket, Credentials userCredentials, java.lang.String[] attributeRequest)
          Forwards an authentication attempt to the underlying backend.
 boolean DirectoryManager.userExists(java.lang.String sessionTicket, java.lang.String username)
          Checks that a user actually exists by querying the underlying backend.

Uses of BackendException in

Methods in that throw BackendException
 java.util.HashMap JNDIBackend.authenticate(Credentials userCredentials, java.lang.String[] attributeRequest)
          Authenticates the user using the supplied credentials and retrieves the requested attributes.
 java.util.HashMap DirectoryManagerBackend.authenticate(Credentials userCredentials, java.lang.String[] attributeRequest)
          Attempts to authenticate a user and retrieve a set of user attributes.
private  java.util.HashMap JNDIBackend.getAttributes(javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext ldap, java.lang.String rdn, java.lang.String[] attributes)
          Retrieves a list of attributes from an element.
private  java.lang.String JNDIBackend.ldapSearch(javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext ldap, java.lang.String pattern)
          Does a subtree search for an element given a pattern.
 boolean JNDIBackend.userExists(java.lang.String username)
          Checks whether a user element exists, based on its username value.
 boolean DirectoryManagerBackend.userExists(java.lang.String username)
          Checks whether a given user actually exists.

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